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How to edit recipients in MaxBulk Mailer - Tips and tricks

How to use Maxprog products Maxprog's Blog

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How to edit recipients in MaxBulk Mailer - Tips and tricks


This post shows 10 great tips for editing recipient's email addresses with MaxBulk Mailer.

How to edit recipients in MaxBulk Mailer - Tips and tricks

Editing a selection of recipients

It is very easy to edit a selection of recipients. Here is how:

So, in conclusion, to edit recipients:
- Select several recipients (SHIFT or CMD/ALT click to select several).
- Select the 'Recipients > Edit' menu OR the contextual 'Edit' menu.
- Enter the new text into the field and click on OK.
- To delete data/clear cells, just check the field to delete any data from.

Editing a single recipient and navigating through the whole list

Using a similar approach, we can start by editing one single recipient. Here is how:

So, to navigate through a list with a single selected recipient:
- Select one recipient.
- Select the 'Recipients > Edit' menu or the Contextual 'Edit' menu.
- Enter some data.
- You can go up (Up key) and down (Down key) in the list or with the mouse wheel/trackpad gesture.
- Changed are automatically populated to the list but once done, you have to click on the Save button.

Editing a recipient in list

You can also edit the recipient's data directly on the list itself.

- Press TAB to jump to the following field.
- Or Press TAB continuously to jump to the following field, then at the end of the record, it jumps to the next.
- And Press SHIFT-TAB to jump back to the previous field, and continue pressing to jump back continuously.

Sorting a list by domain

It is possible to sort a list by email address domain. Here is how:

In summary:
- To sort by domain, do an OPTION-CLICK (CONTROL-CLICK on Windows) on the E-mail Address column header.
- The order is saved when saving the list. It is kept until we sort the list by clicking on a column header again.

Enabling/checking several entries at once

Maybe you did not know you could change a full selection of entry checkboxes. Look at this:

In conclusion:
- To Enable/Disable (check/uncheck) all do 'Edit > Select All' and just check/uncheck any of the entries.
- You can also do a SHIFT or CMD/ALT click to select several entries and do the same.
- Note: Unchecked entries will never be included in the delivery. They are deactivated/disabled entries.
- Note: Activation status is saved to the list file and is restored when loading it back.

Sending a message to a selection of addresses in the list

There is a menu to send your message to the selection:

So, remember:
- Select some recipients manually or using the 'Recipient > Select > ...' OR the Contextual menu
- Select the 'Delivery > Send > To Selection' OR the Contextual 'Send To Selection' menu
- NOTE: Already sent recipients are ignored. Unchecked recipients are ignored.

Sending Cc and Bcc copies even with Tags

Did you know you can also use the Cc and Bcc headers like regular mail readers? Be careful and look at the video below to understand how it works!

So, in summary, it works this way:
- First, reveal the hidden Cc/Bcc panel by clicking on the disclosure triangle
- You can add one or several e-mail addresses delimited with commas
- You can also add addresses using tags, Ex: [Opt1],[Opt2], but the columns have to contain addresses
- Check the preview and see how Cc is displayed (and Bcc is not).

Delivery Status and the RESET button

Once you click on send and only part of the recipients were delivered? Don't forget to reset the delivery statuses. Here is why:

So remember:
- MaxBulk Mailer shows the delivery statuses in the list with different icons.
- You can mark an entry as Sent or Unsent ('Mark As Sent' and 'Mark as Unsent' menus)
- NOTE: Delivery statuses are not saved to the list file but the document file.
- NOTE: To reset the whole list, click the RESET button. All the entries will then be set as UNSENT.

Batch processing

There are several ways to batch process your lists:

So either:
1.- Click on the Trash icon and select Batch Processing
- Select a list or drop it over the list box.
- Uncheck any entry you want to ignore.
- Select the task/action: Remove, Unsubscribe, Deactivate | Keep, Subscribe


2.- Drop a file named DELETE.txt, Unsubscribe.txt, deactivate.txt or keep.txt

Blacklist VS Unsubscribes

What is the best, blacklisting addresses or unsubscribing?

- The blacklist is global for all lists.
- Unsubscribe is for single individual lists.
- You can add a recipient to the blacklist and remove it.
- You can also subscribe and re-subscribe a recipient.
- The blacklist is like any other list in terms of functionalities. It uses red text and background to make it different.
- Subscription status is just a status.
- It is very highly recommended to use the blacklist feature.


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Este vídeo también está disponible en español aquí:


I hope you enjoyed this post and remember you can subscribe to our YouTube channel or send your questions here.

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MaxBulk Mailer is a full-featured and easy-to-use bulk mailer and mail-merge software for macOS and Windows that allows you to send out customized press releases, prices lists, newsletters and any kind of text or HTML documents to your customers or contacts.

MaxBulk Mailer is fast, fully customizable and very easy to use. MaxBulk Mailer handles plain text, HTML and rich text documents and gives full support for attachments. With MaxBulk Mailer you will create, manage and send your own powerful, personalized marketing message to your customers and potential customers.

Thanks to its advanced mail-merge and conditional functions you can send highly customized messages and get the best results of your campaigns. You also have support for international characters, a straightforward account manager with support for all type of authentication schemes including SSL, a complete and versatile list manager, support for importation from a wide range of sources including from remote mySQL and postgreSQL databases.

MaxBulk Mailer is a software tool that you purchase once, no need to pay on a per-email basis to submission services!

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