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Using Tags - MaxBulk Mailer v7 User Guide | Bulk e-mail and mail-merge

Using Tags - MaxBulk Mailer v7 User Guide

Bulk e-mail and mail-merge

Compatible with MS Windows Compatible with MacOS

9.- Using tags

The feature that sets MaxBulk Mailer above a normal email client like Outlook, Entourage or Mail is its email merge personalization options. You can use the special tags [FullName], [Firstname], [Surname], [Company] and [E-mail Address] in order to customize your message with each of your recipient's data. In addition you can insert the date by using any of the 15 date tags or specific information about the current delivery. These personalization options are accessed both through the 'Tags' pull-down menu and the "Edit | Insert tag" menu. For example, you might start composing a message typing:

Hi [Firstname] [Surname],
Chicago, [Month] [Day], [Year] we are proud to announce...

John will then receive the following:

Hi John Donovan,
Chicago, December 10, 2004 we are proud to announce...

The list below shows the available date tags and what they represent:

Value Availability
[Long Date]
Thursday, December 1, 2005 Pro only
[Short Date]
12/1/05 All
[Abbreviated Date]
Thu, Dec 1, 2005 Pro only
[Long Time]
6:18:27 PM Pro only
[Short Time]
6:18 PM Pro only
[Day of week]
Thursday Pro only
1 Pro only
December Pro only
[Month Number] 12 Pro only
2005 Pro only
[Week of Year]
49 Pro only
[Day of Year]
336 Pro only
18 Pro only
18 Pro only
27 Pro only

The internal tags let you insert información about the current delivery:

[Delivery Number] The delivery count, the same number that appear in the Delivery Report.
[Recipient Number] The recipient number in the list.
[Total Recipients] The total recipient count.
[Test Mode] The Test Mode status, 'Yes' or 'No' (Pro only).
[List Name] The current list name (Pro only).

MaxBulk Mailer Pro also offers 20 custom Tags named [Opt1] to [Opt20] for email merge. They can be used at your convenience in order to send specific data imported from your database. That is quite handy for software developers who need to send serials, schools who need to send scores to their alumni and so on. You can rename them to something that will make more sense to you like [Address], [Suburb] or whatever. Read the chapter Renaming Optional Tags for more information.

When sending a message with external online pictures you need to make sure you are using absolute URLs everywhere so the recipient software will be able to access the images from the internet. Usually the base URL will always point to the same domain and the path will be likely the same as well. To make that piece of information easier to maintain MaxBulk Mailer allows you to use the [Base href] tag anywhere on your message. The URL for that new tag can be set from the preferences. For example let say your pictures are available on your site 'pictures' folder. Just set the Base href tag to 'http://www.mydomain.com/pictures/'. You can then use URLs such as '[Base href]/mypicture.jpg' in your message.

Tags are allowed in the message body, the signature and the custom headers including the standard headers added through the header editor. MaxBulk Mailer Pro also allows you to insert tags in the message subject of your message, the Cc and the Bcc fields.

If you currently own MaxBulk Mailer Standard and you wish to upgrade to MaxBulk Mailer Pro, please read How to upgrade from Standard to Pro.

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MaxBulk Mailer is a full-featured and easy-to-use bulk mailer and mail-merge software for macOS and Windows that allows you to send out customized press releases, prices lists, newsletters and any kind of text or HTML documents to your customers or contacts.

MaxBulk Mailer is fast, fully customizable and very easy to use. MaxBulk Mailer handles plain text, HTML and rich text documents and gives full support for attachments. With MaxBulk Mailer you will create, manage and send your own powerful, personalized marketing message to your customers and potential customers.

Thanks to its advanced mail-merge and conditional functions you can send highly customized messages and get the best results of your campaigns. You also have support for international characters, a straightforward account manager with support for all type of authentication schemes including SSL, a complete and versatile list manager, support for importation from a wide range of sources including from remote mySQL and postgreSQL databases.

MaxBulk Mailer is a software tool that you purchase once, no need to pay on a per-email basis to submission services!

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