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MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.8.8 (September 16, 2024)
What's new:
 ▸ Possibility to paste and import entries like *@domain.* to the blacklist.
 ▸ It is now possible to use random words in the settings From/Name field.
 ▸ New 'Activate' and 'Deactivate' menus added to the recipient list contextual menu.
 ▸ Fix: The Encode URL tag now takes care of tags.
 ▸ Fix: Deselection of current recipient selection when changing recipient selection statuses.
 ▸ Fix: 'Open' and 'New' menus crashing MaxBulk Mailer on Windows on given ocasions.
 ▸ Fix: Several user interface aesthetic fixes.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.8.7 (July 17, 2024)
What's new:
 ▸ Possibility to insert a video by URL through a tag: {Insert Video: id, alignment, width, thumbnail}.
 ▸ Possibility to include arithmetic into numeric tags like [Year+1] or [Year+2] or [Year-1]
 ▸ You can also use {Insert Picture: URL, alignment, link, max-width, width, height} to insert images in addition to the {Insert Image:...} tag.
 ▸ The AI tools are now limited to the following countries: https://help.openai.com/en/articles/5347006-openai-api-supported-countries-and-territories
 ▸ Fix: The subscribe batch process is now fully supported through the batch process window or by dropping a file labeled 'SUBSCRIBE' into a list.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.8.6 (March 14, 2024)
What's new:
 ▸ Better handling SMTP errors 556 to avoid delivery interruptions on addresses with an invalid domain.
 ▸ FTPES support for MLM installation, explicit TLS connection, command + data ports.
 ▸ Possibility to purchase web space from inside MaxBulk Mailer to install MLM or upload pictures.
 ▸ Fix: Remove a large amount of recipients that take a long time to finish.
 ▸ Fix: Several interface fixes.
 ▸ Fix: OpenAI / chatGTP support fixes.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.8.5 (September 22, 2023)
What's new:
 ▸ Fix: Select-All recipients takes a long time to finish.
 ▸ Fix: Issue with the 'Edit ▸ Insert Hyperlink ▸ Edit...' menu not opening the hyperlink editor.
 ▸ Fix: Issue with the 'Edit ▸ Insert Random Words ▸ Edit...' menu not opening the Random Words editor.
 ▸ Fix: Issue with the 'File ▸ Open Recent ▸ Clear Menu' menu not clearing the menu.
 ▸ Fix: Issue with the 'File ▸ Settings ▸ Clear Menu' menu not clearing the menu.
 ▸ Fix: Issue with the 'File ▸ Templates' menu.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.8.4 (September 12, 2023)
What's new:
 ▸ OpenAI / chatGTP support for composing, rewriting, correcting and translating messages.
 ▸ Possibility to insert an image by URL thru a tag: {Insert Image: url, alignment, link, max-width, width, height}
 ▸ Recipient list date fields can now be sorted properly even when using formats like 'November 9, 2022'.
 ▸ The toolbar icons have been colored to better distinguish them.
 ▸ The RSS tag for picture now work with more html tag variations.
 ▸ New [Message Subject] tag in order to insert the current message subject.
 ▸ It is now possible to set the HTML editor text size.
 ▸ The recipient panel now also display the recipient selection count.
 ▸ MLM now works both on PHP 7.x.x and PHP 8.x.x
 ▸ The RSS tag for picture now center the image and set a maximum width.
 ▸ The HTML editor default text size has been increased from 12 to 14.
 ▸ The Styled Text editor default text size has been increased from 12 to 18.
 ▸ Fix: Issues when trying to upload a list to MLM.
 ▸ Fix: MySQL import issues in given situations.
 ▸ Fix: When using a remote list and checking/unchecking a recipient, the 'save' button no longer get enabled. Nothing to save here.
 ▸ Fix: The 'Edit ▸ Paste' menu now works again for pasting recipients between lists. The 'Edit ▸ Paste Special' menu is recommended though.
 ▸ Fix: It is no longer possible to paste multiple lines of text to the Subject field. Only the first line is kept.
 ▸ Fix: The Import Remote preset not saving the field list with ordering and checking.
 ▸ Fix: Crash when dropping an HTML file to the HTML editor.
 ▸ Fix: The undo function has been enhanced in order to support the Styled Text to Plain Text command.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.8.3 (October 10, 2022)
What's new:
 ▸ Possibility to insert RSS feed fields into your messages, title, date, description, link, etc.
 ▸ '?subject=unsubscribe' added to the 'List-Unsubscribe: mailto:email' header.
 ▸ Base href header added to styled text message code when a base href URL is provided in the preferences.
 ▸ Fix: Encoding issue in the message preview in given occasions.
 ▸ Fix: Office365 servers no longer wrongly disconnect from MaxBulk Mailer after TLS handshake.
 ▸ Fix: The 'Edit ▸ Insert Hyperlink' menu and button now work again with the HTML format.
 ▸ Fix: The 'Edit ▸ Insert Hyperlink' menu now works again with the Markdown format.
 ▸ Fix: First recipient no longer marked as failed when the delivery report sending fails.
 ▸ Fix: The Encode URL now works again on the Styled Text format.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
What's new:
 ▸ You can now check the deliverability of your message using mail-tester.com directly from the application.
 ▸ You can now copy any connection log to the clipboard.
 ▸ You can now send any connection log to Maxprog by email.
 ▸ The DKIM window is now resizable.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.8.1 (February 1, 2022)
What's new:
 ▸ [Document Name] tag in order to insert the MaxBulk Mailer document/filename.
 ▸ 'Edit ▸ Paste And Match Style' menu in order to remove styles from the clipboard.
 ▸ Fix: Modifying the message subject now sets the document as modified (broken in the previous version).
 ▸ Fix: Several interface aesthetic fixes, especially for macOS Monterey.
 ▸ Fix: Cut/Paste commands not working properly in the HTML code editor on given occasions.
 ▸ Fix: Preview not rendering the HTML code properly on given occasions (previous code rendered instead).

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.7.5 (June 15, 2021)
What's new:
 ▸ macOS version of the application is now available as Universal Binary (Intel+ARM).
 ▸ It is now possible to save the DKIM settings even though the DKIM test is failing.
 ▸ Fix: The settings panel no longer flagged as modified when switching panels.
 ▸ Fix: OAuth2 also supported when using the G-Suite smtp-relay.gmail.com server address.
 ▸ Fix: Interface glitches when using MaxBulk Mailer in macOS Big Sur.
 ▸ Fix: Built-in support system was broken because of online form captcha and new security measures.
 ▸ Fix: MLM installer FTPS not working properly in given situations.
 ▸ Fix: Several MLM fixes.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.7.3 (July 21, 2020)
What's new:
 ▸ Gmail OAuth2 authentication scheme support.
 ▸ Markdown format is now supported. MaxBulk Mailer follows the 0.29 specification (https://spec.commonmark.org/0.29/)
 ▸ Base64 Encoding function: {Encode Base64:TEXT_OR_TAG_HERE}. Encode text/tag into Base64.
 ▸ Rot13 Encoding function: {Encode Rot13:TEXT_OR_TAG_HERE}. Encode text/tag into Rot13.
 ▸ Mask function: {Encode Mask:TEXT_OR_TAG_HERE. Mask all the text/tag with *.
 ▸ Hex Encoding function: {Encode Hex:TEXT_OR_TAG_HERE}. Encode text/tag into hexadecimal.
 ▸ URL Encoding function: {Encode URL:URL_OR_TAG_HERE}. Encode URL parameters.
 ▸ The default and only available encoding for text, styled text and markdown messages is now UTF-8.
 ▸ Fix: The HTML editor again supports file drops.
 ▸ Fix: Import from Address Book now works again, access authorization displayed when needed.
 ▸ Fix: Several MLM fixes.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.7.2 (December 16, 2019)
What's new:
 ▸ MaxBulk Mailer now uses native internet sockets.
 ▸ MLM has been updated to support last PHP version 7.2.
 ▸ It is now possible to rate and review the application.
 ▸ DKIM check has been deactivated on the App Store version (MaxBulk Mailer SE).
 ▸ Fix: Error 102 when connecting to MLM in given occasions.
 ▸ Fix: Window no longer placed on top after a file drop on MS Window.
 ▸ Fix: DKIM is now supported again in the App Store version (MaxBulk Mailer SE).
 ▸ Fix: The version update system has been fixed, an issue was preventing the download to finish properly.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.7.1 (September 17, 2019)
What's new:
 ▸ The new HTML editor now shows indent guide lines.
 ▸ The new HTML editor now supports block outdent and block indent.
 ▸ Word/line wrap has been activated on the new HTML editor.
 ▸ File Drag and drop to the new HTML editor is now supported.
 ▸ MacOS Disk image now comes signed and notarized by Apple in order to pass through Catalina Gatekeeper checks.
 ▸ Fix: Issue when typing tabs in the new HTML editor.
 ▸ Fix: Several issues with the new HTML editor Find/Replace embedded dialog.
 ▸ Fix: Issue when importing recipient list in csv format when a field contains a comma.
 ▸ Fix: HTML editor not automatically focused when selecting the format or opening a document with this format as default.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.7 (June 10, 2019)
What's new:
 ▸ We have embedded Ace, an HTML editor with Syntax highlighting (https://ace.c9.io) into MaxBulk Mailer.
 ▸ Message formats no longer share text fields.
 ▸ The Web Page format now offers an alternative text field.
 ▸ It is now possible to delete all the attachments from the list.
 ▸ It is now possible to activate/deactivate attachments. Deactivated attachments are not sent.
 ▸ The Preview 'Show Source code' feature now shows the code with Syntax highlighting.
 ▸ Fix: Preview text size in now 14px if no font size has been set.
 ▸ Fix: An encoding mismatch error was sometimes displayed per error before delivery or when previewing.
 ▸ Fix: Line breaks not properly rendered in preview when using the Plain Text format.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.6.9 (November 21, 2018)
What's new:
 ▸ The statistics pie chart is now 3D.
 ▸ New confirmation windows added for DKIM validation.
 ▸ Help added to the DKIM Window.
 ▸ New 'About the app' box tool menu entry to Get license info, Register and Unregister.
 ▸ New 'About the app' box tool menu entry to see the User License Agreement.
 ▸ New 'About the app' box tool menu entry to Reset the app settings to factory default.
 ▸ New 'About the app' box tool menu entry to Copy the current serial.
 ▸ New 'About the app' box tool menu entry to Renew the Update Plan.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.6.8 (October 4, 2018)
What's new:
 ▸ Port pull-down menu with most used SMTP port.
 ▸ The MS Windows version is now available as 32bit and 64bit.
 ▸ The delivery report HTML code has been slightly modified to be fully HTML5/CSS3 compliant.
 ▸ Fix: Issue when using the styled text format and inline attachments.
 ▸ Fix: Attachment Drag and drop issues.
 ▸ Fix: Import from a text file column renaming issue.
 ▸ Fix: Import from a text file column reordering issue.
 ▸ Fix: Importing error window displaying extra Base64 data on given ocasions.
 ▸ Fix: Batch process file naming has been slightly changed to avoid unexpected results.
 ▸ Fix: Statistics maximize button is back.
 ▸ Fix: Burst mode (missing from list) in now back.
 ▸ Fix: Preview > View source now works again for utf-8.
 ▸ Fix: Preview properly scaled on MS Windows and Hi-Dpi.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.6.7 (September 12, 2018)
What's new:
 ▸ DKIM support for signing and authenticating messages.
 ▸ TLS1.2 support has been added.
 ▸ New auto-negotiation SSL option has been added to the security pull-down menu.
 ▸ The 'List-Unsubscribe' header is now automatically created and added to the message headers when precedence is set to 'List'.
 ▸ The 'Errors' field has been moved to the 'Delivery' part of the settings panel (previously in 'Sender Information').
 ▸ Attachments are now sent faster.
 ▸ Fix: Encoding issue when saving and importing remote server presets.
 ▸ Fix: Interface flickering has been fixed on the MS Windows version.
 ▸ Fix: Some small aesthetic fixes to some windows.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.6.6 (April 27, 2018)
What's new:
 ▸ Fix: An encoding/charset issue related to the Styled Text format has been fixed.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.6.5 (April 19, 2018)
What's new:
 ▸ The Import from a remote server window height has been slightly reduced.
 ▸ A link menu button has been added to the styled text formatting toolbar.
 ▸ Fix: Connexion issue with Chinese and Japanese versions on given occasions.
 ▸ Fix: Saving documents no longer remove the existing Finder file tags (macOS).
 ▸ Fix: Some windows displayed below the menu bar (macOS).

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.6.3 (March 8, 2018)
What's new:
 ▸ The macOS version is now 64bit.
 ▸ A link button has been added to the styled text formatting toolbar.
 ▸ Fix: Tracking system showing footer broken picture on Outlook.
 ▸ Fix: Minimize, maximize and full screen window controls disabled on Windows.
 ▸ Fix: Minimize, maximize window controls disabled on macOS.
 ▸ Fix: Import from AddressBook window issues after validating the system access authorization (macOS).

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.6.2 (January 16, 2018)
What's new:
 ▸ Custom attachments support.
 ▸ The attachment panel has been fully redesigned and simplified.
 ▸ The preview panel now displays the attachment list.
 ▸ It is now possible to drag-reorder recipient in the list and save the new order.
 ▸ Sorting by column now enables the save button so user can save the list once sorted.
 ▸ The preference custom header panel has been redesigned and now allows the activation/deactivation of headers with a single click.
 ▸ New 'Web Address' and 'Email Address' column data types affecting the processing of data formatting and list sorting.
 ▸ The application no longer displays Update Plan expiration alerts when the option for checking for new versions has been deactivated.
 ▸ Maxprog server will no longer send Update Plan expiration notifications when the option for checking for new versions has been deactivated.
 ▸ Security token added to all MLM subscribe forms to avoid cross-sites request forgeries.
 ▸ Security code added to all MLM subscribe forms to avoid cross-sites scripting.
 ▸ The MLM installer window has been slightly enhanced.
 ▸ URLs and Email addresses in the opt fields are no longer automatically formatted. Data type has to be set to either 'Web Address' or 'Email Address'.
 ▸ Fix: The import from AddressBook on macOS works again when list are stored in iCloud.
 ▸ Fix: DKIM header problem when using the Text/HTML format.
 ▸ Fix: The Preview panel is now updated after altering the custom header list in the preferences.
 ▸ Fix: Recipient sorting issue in several list boxes and pull-down menus.
 ▸ Fix: Several MLM fixes related to last PHP function deprecations.
 ▸ Fix: The MLM installer window log was not displaying line breaks properly.
 ▸ Fix: MLM installer FTP socket security issue on given occasions.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.6.1 (May 17, 2017)
What's new:
 ▸ 'About app' window last line has a hidden contextual menu with info, registration, unregistration and setting reset options.
 ▸ The priority and return receipt setting buttons have been updated to match new design.
 ▸ The subject field now records the last 30 used subjects and supports auto-completion.
 ▸ It is now possible to only get click-through tracking or only opening tracking.
 ▸ Fix: Issue with priority on given occasions.
 ▸ Fix: Sometimes the 'LM Opening' tag is visible at the message bottom.
 ▸ Fix: Slow loading of connection logs.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.6 (January 17, 2017)
What's new:
 ▸ MaxBulk Mailer now supports Hi-DPI/Retina screen mode.
 ▸ All toolbar and control buttons have been replaced by Hi-DPI/Retina grey icons.
 ▸ Fix: Runtime error when launching the application and selecting the 'Settings' panel on MS Windows.
 ▸ Fix: Styled text to HTML converter not working properly on MS Windows.
 ▸ Fix: Crash when using the 'File > Print' and 'File > Page Setup' menus on macOS 10.12 (Sierra).
 ▸ Fix: The delivery no longer gets slow on large lists.
 ▸ Fix: No subject in statistics when sending to remote list.
 ▸ Fix: Optional tags containing an email address are now properly processed in Cc and Bcc fields.
 ▸ Fix: Optional tags containing an email address or a URL are now properly processed when not used in the message body nor signature.
 ▸ Fix: Freeze when removing duplicates on big lists.
 ▸ Fix: MLM error 102 when using https server and SSL2. Now both SSL2 and SSL3 are supported.
 ▸ Fix: Documents not recognizing MaxBulk Mailer as the appropriate viewer/editor.
 ▸ Fix: Calendars not showing previous year last month when going backward.
 ▸ Fix: Lag and crash when loading recent documents from remote servers on macOS.
 ▸ Fix: Bullet list, numbered list and definition not properly rendered.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.5.6 (October 19, 2016)
What's new:
 ▸ The delivery report now includes the full lists of lists when 'Remote List' or 'Several Lists' options are selected.
 ▸ The Find Recipient window now remember the target list selection.
 ▸ Loading remote list no longer takes large amount of time.
 ▸ Loading the multiple list panel is now faster.
 ▸ Importing contacts from the macOS Address book is now faster.
 ▸ The delivery report is now always sent in unicode utf-8 rather than selected encoding.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.5.5 (September 14, 2016)
What's new:
 ▸ It is now possible to select activated/checked and deactivated/unchecked recipients.
 ▸ The recipient index column in recipient list is now automatically resized to display the index without cropping text.
 ▸ New FileMaker example for v12 and higher showing how to add contacts to MaxBulk Mailer from a FM script.
 ▸ The list contextual menu now displays a submenu for recipient selection.
 ▸ Fix: HTML messages empty when using the MLM unsubscribe tag.
 ▸ Fix: HTML messages empty when using multiple lists.
 ▸ Fix: Open and Open Recent menus failing on Windows 10.
 ▸ Fix: Styled Text to HTML converter adding extra line breaks in given occasions.
 ▸ Fix: Styled Text to HTML converter placing nested tags in given occasions.
 ▸ Fix: MLM new directory window no longer accepts characters that may cause problems on given OS.
 ▸ Fix: New and list renew windows no longer accept characters that may cause problems on given OS.
 ▸ Fix: Settings import now handle file names with reserved characters on given OS.
 ▸ Fix: URLs in opt fields are now active links when selecting Styled Text or HTML.
 ▸ Fix: Email addresses in opt fields are now active mailto addresses when selecting Styled Text or HTML.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.5.4 (June 16, 2016)
What's new:
 ▸ The list of browsers in the Preview ‘Eye’ icon menu has been updated.
 ▸ Fix: Color sometimes not properly applied when centering the text.
 ▸ Fix: The [List name] tag not properly processed when using remote lists.
 ▸ Fix: \r found in tags are now replaced by
 ▸ when HTNL code is detected.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.5.3 (April 14, 2016)
What's new:
 ▸ The List menu now includes the 'Numbered List' style in addition to 'Bullet list' and 'Definition'.
 ▸ Styled Text converter now uses HTML5/CSS3 code rather than HTML v1 code except for bold, italic and underline.
 ▸ The styled text size button now always displays the size and offers common choices like any other text editor.
 ▸ The styled text font button now always displays the font name and shows safe fonts by default with the possibility to display them all.
 ▸ Most MLM pages and functions are now available from the Preferences (Home, Login, Help, Info, Diagnostic,…).
 ▸ default font is now 'Helvetica' instead of 'System'. 'Helvetica' is a safer cross platform and web browser font.
 ▸ Quotes and dashes are no longer replaced by the operating system even if activated in the system preferences (Mac Only).
 ▸ Fix: HTML Preview is reloaded on MS Windows when the document is resized.
 ▸ Fix: When selecting 'Multiple Lists' the recipient count now always displays the right number of recipients.
 ▸ Fix: It is no longer possible to deselect a list from the multiple list panel while it is already loading.
 ▸ Fix: Bullet list and Definition styles now work again (feature broken in previous version).

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.5.2 (February 17, 2016)
What's new:
 ▸ Educated quotes now supported in conditional statements.
 ▸ AppNap and System Idle Sleep mode are now automatically deactivated during deliveries (Mac Only).
 ▸ AppNap and System Idle Sleep mode are now automatically deactivated when loading/importing/exporting/processing lists. (Mac Only).
 ▸ Delivery is now faster thanks to a new synchronized driven delivery system.
 ▸ Permissions have been changed to allow compatibility with 'Munki'.
 ▸ The Windows installer is now signed with a sha-256 certificate for Windows 10 compatibility.
 ▸ Fix: Old v3 files not loading the message contents.
 ▸ Fix: Extra empty menus have been removed from the main menu bar.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.5.1 (October 20, 2015)
What's new:
 ▸ The Mac OS version now uses the built-in spell-checker and the system services for text fields.
 ▸ Possibility to add smileys to both the message subject and contents (UTF-8 messages only).
 ▸ Random words can now be added to the message body and subject either directly or using the Random Words editor.
 ▸ Better handling of SMTP errors 450 and 403 to avoid delivery interruptions on authenticated sessions.
 ▸ Better handling of SMTP errors 534 sent by Gmail server.
 ▸ Better handling of server custom SMTP errors.
 ▸ A new 'Help > What's new' menu let's the user read the version history from newer to older.
 ▸ The Import/Export settings functions now display a progress window and work even if no document has been created/opened yet.
 ▸ MLM: The error reporting system has been modified to silent needless warnings including strict calls warnings.
 ▸ MLM: It is now possible to set the time zone in the lm.prefs file.
 ▸ MLM: Several warnings and notifications have been removed. Switch from mysql to mysqli library.
 ▸ The application no longer depends on any Carbon libraries on Mac OS X, Cocoa only.
 ▸ Old obsolete BinHex, AppleSingle and AppleDouble encodings have been removed.
 ▸ Fix: Issue when sending attachments causing the software to slow down (introduced in 8.5).
 ▸ Fix: Issue on MS Windows causing the message field to scroll up and down when editing large amounts of text.
 ▸ Fix: Issue on MS Windows causing the message field to scroll up and down when activating/deactivating the window.
 ▸ Fix: Crash on MS Windows when dropping an HTML file to the message field.
 ▸ Fix: Problem on MS Windows when sending inline attachment (introduced in 8.5).
 ▸ Fix: Problem on MS Windows with text alignment and styled text format (introduced in 8.5).
 ▸ Fix: Applescript now works on all new Mac OS X versions.
 ▸ Fix: MaxBulk Mailer no longer crashes when dropping contacts from Mac OS X Address Book.
 ▸ Fix: Tag with alternative text not processed in given occasions. Mostly due to the tag position.
 ▸ Fix: Possible slowdown when using large text due to undo system.
 ▸ Fix: Compatibility problem with Amazon SES server when sending attachments on given occasions.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.5 (April 14, 2015)
What's new:
 ▸ The display of attachment sending progress in the status bar is now clearer.
 ▸ New SMTP error handlers added.
 ▸ Fix: From and To header comment part quoted when special characters are detected.
 ▸ Fix: Problem when sending attachments from MS Windows machines.
 ▸ Fix: Import window preset controls to small for given languages.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.4.9 (November 12, 2014)
What's new:
 ▸ New error handlers added.
 ▸ MLM Russian localization.
 ▸ Fix: Yosemite (10.10) small fixes.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.4.8 (October 15, 2014)
What's new:
 ▸ Enhanced charset/encoding matching checking including when previewing.
 ▸ Enhanced charset/encoding matching checking for 'Web Page' format.
 ▸ Fix: HELO/EHLO command sent twice when using a SSL connexion.
 ▸ Fix: User-Agent header added to all http get requests.
 ▸ Fix: 'alt' tag added to all 'img src' tags, tracking, attachments,…
 ▸ Fix: It is now possible to sort recipients Opt1 to Opt20 fields by date whatever the delimiter is.
 ▸ Fix: The sorting of recipients by Opt1 to Opt20 now works for all data types.
 ▸ MLM: Script redirect URL is now http or https as expected.
 ▸ MLM: Security fix.
 ▸ MLM: Several errors causing warnings in lm_functions.php and lm_admin.php.
 ▸ MLM: Safer 'Sendmessage' function.
 ▸ MLM: More accurate email checking function.
 ▸ MLM: Some enhancements to the web interface.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.4.7 (January 11, 2014)
What's new:
 ▸ List import from a plain text file now supports the UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, UTF-32, UTF-32LE and UTF-32BE encodings.
 ▸ New error handlers added.
 ▸ Crashguard delivery restoring is now much faster and gives visual feedback.
 ▸ When in burst mode, server index is no longer rewetted between connections. That allows server rotation.
 ▸ MLM: Some mySQL commands have been updated.
 ▸ MLM: Some queries has been changed in order to return less results.
 ▸ Fix: Loading saved documents now preserve double-byte characters (was a random issue with Japanese, Chinese and Korean.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.4.6 (December 11, 2013)
What's new:
 ▸ New SMTP error handlers added.
 ▸ Document and given contents encodings mismatch are now detected.
 ▸ Fix: Bad password problems when sending after loading a file.
 ▸ Fix: Problem when using LOGIN authentication and server doesn't explicitly specify what data has to be sent.
 ▸ Fix: default encoding now set to UTF-8 when system language is not known.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.4.5 (November 20, 2013)
What's new:
 ▸ Documents using the styled text format are now cross-platform.
 ▸ The blacklist now accepts asterisk wildcards like peter@*.*, *.com, @hotmail.* …
 ▸ The application now comes with the App Nap feature disabled on Mac OS 10.9 (Maverick).
 ▸ Italian tag 'Disattiva Abbonamento' replaced with 'Disattiva Abbonamento'.
 ▸ Faster file list updating and processing thanks to new file displaying cache.
 ▸ Fix: Problem when using LOGIN authentication and server doesn't explicitly specify what data has to be sent.
 ▸ Fix: The preview with MLM and no recipients or no list no longer generates wrong URLs.
 ▸ Fix: Document saving and loading security fix.
 ▸ Fix: Problem when importing lists from settings file previously exported using the software.
 ▸ Fix: MLM security problem.
 ▸ Fix: Maverick (10.9) small fixes.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.4.4 (June 25, 2013)
What's new:
 ▸ Fix: Reconnection problem when using SSL/TLS on Gmail and Amazon SES.
 ▸ Fix: Export 'delivery date' field problem on given occasions.
 ▸ Fix: posgreSQL plugin reverted to previous version.
 ▸ MLM: The sending of the unsubscribe email can be deactivated.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.4.3 (April 17, 2013)
What's new:
 ▸ The email address validation function has been enhanced to accept international addresses.
 ▸ Sender address reseted from 'Error-To' address to 'From' address in case of server error (Sender rejected).
 ▸ Fix: Quotes no longer added when using full name and UTF-8, and no comma in the name.
 ▸ Fix: Drag and Drops from the Mac OS X Address Book works again (broken in a previous version).
 ▸ Fix: Several headers are now title-cased.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.4.2 (January 15, 2013)
What's new:
 ▸ It is now possible to open the template folder from the template menu.
 ▸ It is now possible to remove addresses from the blacklist from the 'Recipient' menu.
 ▸ It is now possible to select the recipients that have opened (or not) a given message (MLM + PRO).
 ▸ It is now possible to identify the recipients that have opened a given message (MLM + PRO).
 ▸ The recipient import window now includes a 'Check for duplicates' option.
 ▸ It is now possible to ungroup the statistics in the statistics window.
 ▸ The 'Subscribe' and 'Unsubscribe' menus are now real MLM subscribe and unsubscribe (if activated in MLM)
 ▸ MLM is now 3.0.9 - New 'getparam', 'get version' and 'diagnose' commands.
 ▸ MLM get clicks new '&from=YYYY-MM-DD', '&to=YYYY-MM-DD', '&fields=field1[;field2;…]', '&action=open|click' and '&dup=no' parameters.
 ▸ Fix: The Quick Selector now accepts empty strings.
 ▸ Fix: Saved templates now include the '.mbm' extension.
 ▸ Fix: Some corrections on the Italian localization.
 ▸ Fix: The MLM Install 'New Folder' window displaying a wrong title.
 ▸ Fix: The 'New Folder' window buttons wrongly formatted on given occasions.
 ▸ Fix: MaxBulk Mailer set the subscription status on MLM lists as well.
 ▸ Fix: Unsubscribe and subscribe menus now work as expected with remote lists.
 ▸ Fix: X-Bounce-Tracking-Info header no longer added if MLM is not active.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.4.1 (October 23, 2012)
What's new:
 ▸ Fix: 533 error handler has been modified to attempt a delivery on authentication failure.
 ▸ Fix: It is now possible to drop files or text to the blacklist containing entries like '@domain.tld' or 'name@'.
 ▸ Fix: Some buttons not properly sized depending on language, especially in the MLM installer.
 ▸ Fix: The AppleScript AddAttachment now uses full shell unix paths rather than Mac paths.
 ▸ Fix: Return receipt warning no longer displayed when activated from Applescript.
 ▸ Fix: Several Mountain Lion fixes.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.4 (July 10, 2012)
What's new:
 ▸ Fix: Unsubscribe from local list now works even if the email address to unsubscribe is not on the right place.
 ▸ Fix: The Quick selector no longer fails displaying field names.
 ▸ Fix: The Quick selector no longer perform the opposite action when the condition is not verified.
 ▸ Fix: The Export window now shows the field list again, broken in 8.3.9
 ▸ Fix: Opening a document with Singly unchecked and unfound attachments no longer freeze the application.
 ▸ Fix: Checking several MLM lists no longer fail. List is now disabled during the download of each list.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.3.9 (June 5, 2012)
What's new:
 ▸ The Preference default Account list is now sorted alphabetically.
 ▸ Fix: Several fixes and enhancements to Import and Export preset handling.
 ▸ Fix: Clipboard is now restored to previous contents after previewing a 'Styled' Text' message.
 ▸ Fix: Several interface fixes in the preferences panel.
 ▸ Fix: The Total_Recipients tag is now processed properly in preview mode.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.3.8 (April 17, 2012)
What's new:
 ▸ Editing, Deleting and Adding recipients to a remote list now actually mirror the action to MLM list on the server.
 ▸ MLM functions progress better displayed in the status bar and status icon.
 ▸ Reply-To and Error-To addresses are now visible in the Delivery Report.
 ▸ The MLM script now includes code to detect the uploaded list format, columns and separator.
 ▸ MLM click-thru status is now visible in the Delivery Report.
 ▸ Forwards during the MLM connection between http and https are now supported.
 ▸ All HTTP sockets used by MaxBulk Mailer now supports SSL and forward to/from SSL.
 ▸ The MLM installer now try to set the permissions to 755 and 705 in addition to 777 and 775.
 ▸ The Upload to MLM 'Overwrite' choice changed to 'Replace'.
 ▸ The 'Upload to MLM' window is no longer displayed after altering a remote list and clicking on the 'Save' button.
 ▸ The default 'Upload to MLM' action is now 'Replace' instead of 'Append'.
 ▸ PowerPC support has been dropped. The application is now Intel Only. As result the application size has been reduced by half.
 ▸ MLM list upload has been optimized and it is now significantly faster.
 ▸ Fix: TitleCase function for importing recipients now only capitalized composed names (O'Brien, McDonald, MacDonald, Jean-Luc…)
 ▸ Fix: Remote lists recipient count column not displayed properly in given occasions.
 ▸ Fix: Preview of plain text with default font and size is now displayed properly (was too small).
 ▸ Fix: Special characters are now encoded everywhere in the app before calling MLM functions.
 ▸ Fix: '&' properly displayed for remote lists in the 'Upload to MLM' window.
 ▸ Fix: The MLM web interface now handles special characters in list names, email addresses, etc… properly.
 ▸ Fix: Several fixes and modifications have been applied to MLM including unsubscribe from all lists at once.
 ▸ Fix: Several preset handling fixes.
 ▸ Fix: A new window is now opened when double-clicking on the application Finder icon or clicking on the Dock icon (Mac Only).

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.3.7 (March 13, 2012)
What's new:
 ▸ 'Mark As Sent' and 'Mark As Unsent' added to the QuickSelector and the Advanced QuickSelector.
 ▸ The Advanced QuickSelector settings are now persistent during the whole session.
 ▸ All the Import and Export window settings are now persistent during the whole session.
 ▸ It is now possible to set the recipient list font and size.
 ▸ Deactivating the 'Singly' option now displays a confirmation dialog with information and help.
 ▸ The Export window now has a 'Clear' button to reset the field selection.
 ▸ IT is now possible to delete connection logs from inside the application.
 ▸ default font is now the system font rather than a proportional font.
 ▸ Fix: It is now again possible to drop html or txt files to the message field (broken in previous version).
 ▸ Fix: The Import window now shows all labels resized properly depending on the language used.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.3.6 (February 14, 2012)
What's new:
 ▸ 'Go' button added to the MLM URL in order to display the login page in user's browser.
 ▸ Fix: MLM has been modified in order to support bounce handling thru the use of eMail Bounce Handler.
 ▸ Fix: Remote mySQL queries with line breaks are now saved and restored as presets successfully.
 ▸ Fix: Italian localization fixes.
 ▸ Fix: MLM now fully uses mySQL for subscription requests when mySQL has been selected for the data storage.
 ▸ Fix: MLM no longer sends an error message when deleting subscription requests.

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Note that we prefer not to talk about products that don't officially exist or features that have not been implemented yet except to our Alpha and Beta testers. A product or feature officially exists once it has been advertised on this site. That includes new products, products ported to new platforms, new relevant features and upcoming updates. A new product or feature is somewhat secret until release because we do not want you to feel cheated or disappointed. Indeed we may fail or fall behind schedule due to unforeseen difficulties.

We always listen to our customers thru the comments added to this page, we take note of absolutely all feature requests and bug reports. We may give an opinion but that's all, we very rarely engage ourselves to develop stuff on demand or deliver regular updates.

We also maintain a Log Book with public information about ongoing projects and feature developments waiting for your comments.

Recent questions from our MaxBulk Mailer users
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MaxBulk Mailer is a full-featured and easy-to-use bulk mailer and mail-merge software for macOS and Windows that allows you to send out customized press releases, prices lists, newsletters and any kind of text or HTML documents to your customers or contacts.

MaxBulk Mailer is fast, fully customizable and very easy to use. MaxBulk Mailer handles plain text, HTML and rich text documents and gives full support for attachments. With MaxBulk Mailer you will create, manage and send your own powerful, personalized marketing message to your customers and potential customers.

Thanks to its advanced mail-merge and conditional functions you can send highly customized messages and get the best results of your campaigns. You also have support for international characters, a straightforward account manager with support for all type of authentication schemes including SSL, a complete and versatile list manager, support for importation from a wide range of sources including from remote mySQL and postgreSQL databases.

MaxBulk Mailer is a software tool that you purchase once, no need to pay on a per-email basis to submission services!

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