Web Dumper comes with ready-to-use default factory settings which allows you to start downloading your favorite web site right away. However, you can change settings to meet your needs at any time.
Web Dumper works the same way all common web browsers do, downloading documents from the World Wide Web using HTTP protocol. But rather than displaying them with their embedded pictures, songs or movies, it saves them to files for later offline browsing. Furthermore, instead of downloading one only document per user request from the web at a time, Web Dumper goes through all links and get any document linked to the given starting page again and again recreating on your hard drive a copy a the original site's folder hierarchy.
Enter the URL you want Web Dumper to download, no need to specify the protocol to be used (always 'http://' by default) and push 'Dump' button. Your URL will be added to the history bookmark list and will be available next time through the list popup on the right.
Web Dumper lets you select which kinds of file you want to be dumped between more than 60 available standard types, the folder depth level, how links must be processed and if it must re-link your HTML documents for offline browsing.
Once download is started you can follow all processes from the same window including through a detailed file list accessible pushing the disclosure triangle on the bottom left edge.
If you are viewing a Web site with your browser and you decide that you would like to make a copy of it on your hard drive, you have to manually save each page as you view it along with embedded pictures, sounds and so on.
This can be a very long and tedious process, and in many cases it's more trouble than it's worth. It doesn't have to be that way, however, as Web Dumper makes this whole process very fast and easy.
With Web Dumper you can download entire Websites off of the Internet, and save them on your hard drive for later offline browsing.
Downloaded Web sites are saved on your hard drive with their directory structure intact. Web Dumper automatically downloads HTML documents along with their embedded pictures, sounds, movies and so on while it screens them to look for any enclosed links to other documents.
Web Dumper lets you select which kinds of file you want to be dumped between more than 60 available standard types, the folder depth level, how links must be processed and if it must re-link your HTML documents for offline browsing.
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