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Email opening and click-through tracking

Bulk email delivery statistics with MLM

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

New paragraph Are there tutorials available?
New paragraph The automatic install has failed, what can I do?
New paragraph When I run a MLM command with my browser all I get is an empty page
New paragraph When I run a MLM command with my browser I get an 'Internal Server Error'
New paragraph Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in .../html/lm/lm.php on line xxx
New paragraph When I run a MLM command with my browser I get a 'Page Not Found' error
New paragraph When I run MLM I get a 'Impossible to create the database or the table.' error
New paragraph The MaxBulk Mailer 'Recipients > Upload to MLM' function doesn't work
New paragraph 'Warning: cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode()!' error
New paragraph What user ID and password should I use in MaxBulk Mailer preferences?
New paragraph I don't see any data in the MaxBulk Mailer Statistics window
New paragraph The script is ran with PHP 4 despite PHP 5 is available on my server
New paragraph The 'lm' folder has the wrong Owner and Group settings
New paragraph When using the subscribtion form I get "[email protected]: 250 Ok"
New paragraph 'Forbidden, you don't have permission to access /lm/lm.php on this server' error

New paragraph Are there tutorials available?  

Yes, we are currently creating tutorials about MLM. All tutorials are available here. New ones will be added regularly.

New paragraph The automatic install has failed, what can I do?  

When you get errors during the installation the best will be to install MLM manually. You can do that with a FTP software like Transmit, Fetch, CoreFTP… It is explained here, at the end of the page, below 'Installation Errors'.

New paragraph When I run a MLM command with my browser all I get is an empty page  

You will need to use very last version of MLM. It is available here. Only recent versions (v 2.1 and higher) offer support for mySQL v3, v4 in addtion to v5.

New paragraph When I run a MLM command with my browser I get an 'Internal Server Error'  

That means your server doesn't like you to set the folder 'lm' access permissions to 777. Just CHMOD the 'lm' folder to 775 and try again. If it still fail CHMOD the 'lm' folder to 755. If it still fail CHMOD the 'lm' folder to 705. It should then work. You can CHMOD a folder with your FTP software.

New paragraph Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in .../html/lm/lm.php on line xxx  

That error means the lm.php file has been partially uploaded. Indeed, you uploaded the first xxx lines. The complete file has more than a thousand lines. Try to upload the file again with your FTP client software (Fetch, Transmit, FileZilla, CoreFTP). Note that there are chances other files are not complete either so try to upload all the contents from the 'lm' folder. The 'lm' folder is included with the MaxBulk Mailer package.

New paragraph When I run a MLM command with my browser I get a 'Page Not Found' error  

Never install MLM into your home root folder if you have a specific folder for public html documents like 'public', 'html', 'public_html', 'web', 'www', 'httpdocs'. Just open that folder and any subfolder first!

New paragraph When I run MLM I get a 'Impossible to create the database or the table.' error  

Make sure:

- The mySQL server address you have entered in lm_settings.php is correct. You may have to use 'localhost' if mySQL is located in the same server as Apache and PHP.
- You are using the right User ID and Password with full access. Indeed you need an account with full privileges, including for table creation.

New paragraph The MaxBulk Mailer 'Recipients > Upload to MLM' function doesn't work  

That can be caused by a mod_security Access denied error. Just create a '.htaccess' file in the script directory with the following text:

<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off

or just:

SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off

More information on this here: What is mod security and how does it affect me.

Another possible solution is to create your own 'php.ini' file, inside the 'lm' folder, that will override certain php important variables. Add the following to that file:

upload_max_filesize = 20M;
post_max_size = 20M;
register_globals = On;
allow_url_fopen = On;
memory_limit = 24M;
max_execution_time = 1800;
max_input_time = 1800;

New paragraph 'Warning: cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode()!' error  

If you are using PHP 4 the error message “Warning: cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode” will get displayed on your page. This is not a bug in MLM but a bug in PHP 4 itself. Our recommendation would definitely be asking you to upgrade to PHP 5. PHP group has announced the end of life for PHP 4 on the 13th July 2007. The other solution is to use very last MLM version. It is available here. That version hides the warnings. This is definitely not an elegant solution but at least it will work.

New paragraph What user ID and password should I use in MaxBulk Mailer preferences?  

In the MaxBulk Mailer preferences, second panel 'General', there are several fields below 'Remote Lists'. The first one 'URL' contains the full URL of the 'lm.php' file on your site, the second and third ones, ID and Password should contain the same User ID and Password you have set during the installation or in case you did it manually, the same User ID and Password that the ones you have set in the lm_settings.php file labeled $admin_id and $admin_password.

New paragraph I don't see any data in the MaxBulk Mailer Statistics window  

On the Statistics window make sure you check the right Delivery on the left side list. Indeed MaxBulk Mailer will only show the statisctics of the checked deliveries. You can check as many as you want. Selecting/highliting a delivery is useless, you have check it!

The MaxBulk Mailer MLM built-in installer is suposed to enter the right MLM URL, the right credentials and the right settings for you based on your inputs however if you make a mistake when filling the installation window you will get that same mistake in the MaxBulk Mailer preference panel. As a result, if you still have problems check the MLM URL in the MaxBulk Mailer preferences (second panel from the left). The URL has to be the full URL of the MLM main file starting with http:// and ending with lm.php. Look at the MaxBulk Mailer Settings panel, is the Singly option checked? It should! Look at the MaxBulk Mailer message panel, is the format set properly? If you select Plain Text you will not get opening stats, that format is the only one that is limited to click-through tracking only. Is the message arriving to the Inbox, not the spam box? Messages flagged as spam/junk will only generate click-though stats, no opening stats.

New paragraph The script is ran with PHP 4 despite PHP 5 is available on my server  

With given hosting packages you have the choice between using PHP 4 or PHP 5. By default Apache uses PHP 4 for the '.php' extension. To distinguish a script as PHP 5, you can simply name it with the file extension '.php5' however if you don't want to rename all your scripts to '.php5' you can create an '.htaccess' file and place the following line inside: 'AddType x-mapp-php5 .php' without quotes. This will tell Apache to use PHP 5 instead of PHP 4 for the extension '.php' in the directory the '.htaccess' is placed and all sub-directories under it. Note that you can also use 'AddHandler x-mapp-php5 .php' without quotes as an alternative for or instead of 'AddType x-mapp-php5 .php'.

New paragraph The 'lm' folder has the wrong Owner and Group settings  

It is possible that your server has set the 'lm' folder to a wrong Owner and Group during the upload. As a result the script will not run at all. Very few FTP servers let you edit the Owner and Group settings so either you contact your server support to correct the problem or do it yourself with a SSH session. This is how to proceed:

Using the Terminal application on Mac OS X or a SSH client on Windows, use the following command to create a SSH session:

    ssh your_server_address_here

Your server will ask you to enter your password. Once logged in, enter the following command:

    chown -R apache:apache path_to_the_lm_folder_here

If you don't get any error, the change should have been successful. Try to run MLM again to see if the script now works properly.

New paragraph When using the subscribtion form I get "[email protected]: 250 Ok"

These lines are debug messages, and come from the server. They can be disabled setting the php_flag by editing the ".htaccess" file in the MLM directory. For example "public_html/mlm/.htaccess", the line:

php_flag authmail.debug ON

must be modified to

php_flag authmail.debug Off

No more debug messages!

New paragraph 'Forbidden, you don't have permission to access /lm/lm.php on this server' error

This is an issue with the configuration of your web server. Contact your web server support and tell them to whitelist the URL that is involved with the error. Indeed this problem happens when doing click-tracking, the problem is not the lm.php script itself but the URL you want to track click-through of. Give them the url and they will check the mod-sec error (It is the Apache mod_security module, Apache is a very popular web server software. The mod_security module is a firewall that protects your site against hackers). More information here. Note, this is tecnical stuff, your server support should know how to fix this problem.

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