Maxprog Support
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Loan Calc
eMail Extractor
MaxBulk Mailer
Web Dumper
Bounce Handler
eMail Verifier
FTP Disk
Recent questions answered by our support team
Trouble with mlm setup, 'The URL is not valid' error.
Problem with importing recipients
Why the iCash transaction amount column has disappeared
451 Error code
Problem sending email to Gmail recipients
What is the meaning of the recipient panel icons
How to create new projects in iCash
How to add transactions to iCash faster
What is the best mail server I can use with MaxBulk Mailer
How can I export my lists to a new computer
How to send a HTML email
How to hide text in my message
How to transfer FTP accounts between computers
Google ending support for less secure apps
How to add social networks icons to my message
How do I set up an unsubscribe link
How to export several lists into to a single file
Why do I get timeouts when testing given addresses
What are the Zoho mail settings for MaxBulk Mailer?
iCash has become slow over time
Emails sent but not received
HTML Email is received empty
How to use an alternative text when a tag value is empty
Email Bounce Handler no longer works with Gmail
Is Maxprog software ready for the Apple ARM processor?
Is Maxprog software prepared for Windows 11?
Is Maxprog software prepared for macOS 12 Monterey?
Mail rejected as SPAM
How do I enter turboSMTP settings into MaxBulk Mailer
How I can change the old activation key with the new one?
Why do I get a Delivery Report message after each delivery?
Setting DKIM on MaxBulk Mailer
How do I add an Unsubscribe link to my messages
How to import a Bank statement into iCash
Is Maxprog software prepared for macOS 11 Big Sur?
How to transfer email lists between MaxBulk Mailer copies
How can I download files with sequential numbers in their name?
Images are missing in the message preview
How to send an email with a picture in the body
How can I send to a big list of emails with MaxBulk Mailer
Mail-merge sender data using tags
I set up my bulk email message but authentication fails
How can I send Base64 encoded messages with MaxBulk Mailer?
How canI install MLM manually?
How do I use Mandrill for sending emails
Emails not delivered despite successful delivery report
Do I need a mail server account to use MaxBulk Mailer?
How can I validate Hotmail and Gmail email addresses?
I have bought a new computer, how do I transfer the license?
Ha desaparecido mi contabilidad de iCash
How can I add an unsubscribe link with MLM?
How many emails can we send in a single click?
What does 'relay not permitted' mean?
Do I need my own SMTP server to use MaxBulk Mailer?
We want to include click-through in our emails.
What is the MaxBulk Mailer privacy policy?
Does eMail Verifier need port 25 or an SMTP relay to work?
How does the base64 encoding function work?
How to get started with eMail Bounce Handler
How can I clean up the blacklist?
No Images in Preview (only object frames)
How can I send a test email message using my list
Sorting a recipient list by date using an optional column data
I want to get click-though statistics with MLM
How can I add an unsubscribe link
The Bank accounts are missing from the list
MLM server side is not working
Office365 server SMTP settings
Je n'ai pas reçu le N° sur ma messagerie
Can I make payments with bitcoin ?
eMail Verifier stops at 30% of the email file to be analyzed
My email service just blocked me for using MaxBulk Mailer
How can I send a link to a PDF
Sending emails through an Exchange server
Training live Youtube events, Q&A webinars and videos
Where are the MaxBulk Mailer DKIM settings ?
Error #22 when trying to verify a list of email addresses
MaxBulk Mailer newsletter mailing list subscription
I lost my activation key (serial number), can I recover it?
Is there a limit to how many emails you can send ?
I created all my transactions with the wrong year
Sending a unique invitation number with MaxBulk Mailer
Using the Cc and Bcc fields
The MaxBulk Mailer statistics button does not work
Money-Back Guarantee / Refund Policy
Bitcoin Purchase
How can I do a simulated bulk e-mail delivery
Comcast - An authentication error occurred
iCash on MacOS 10.15
All entries timeout
How to transfer iCash account data to a new computer
Keeping output original Excel and CSV file format
PayPal error, do you accept Bitcoins?
A column has disappeared in the Account Manager
Bitcoin Payment
How can I update an asset value
How to handle bounced emails from Outlook
iCash file size grew up over 120 Mb
What are your payment methods
Need help installing MLM on server
Not able to verify anything
Images not displaying in Preview after update to 8.7
Mail being sent to unsubscribed addresses
How to DKIM sign an email with MaxBulk Mailer
Bad Gmail addresses marked as valid
Amazon SES (correct) settings
Picture with text on the right
Error with every email-adress (even my own, working one)
Not receiving the Delivery Report
I've tried to download the latest version for 3 days...
Nothing is downloaded
Spaces disappearing when using the Styled Text format
Email editor and responsive emails
Text disappearing when previewing and sending
How does eMail Verifier compares to online services?
How to get click-through statistics with MaxBulk Mailer
About eMail Extractor privacy
Accessing the MaxBulk Mailer blacklist
Question about your software
How to make my list invisible to the other recipients
Scanning a subfolder rather than the entire inbox
Erreur #103: Le URL n'est pas valide
Cambiar de macOS a Windows
Maxbulk - switching computers
Stalled - Infinite Loop
Unable to import my contacts into MaxBulk Mailer
MLM Unsubscribe Link
The application is crashing
Authentication errors...
Cannot authenticate with Gmail
Desactualizado 32 bits a 64 bits
Importing a csv/txt file
Using eMail Bounce Handler
The program does not verify any address
Importing recipients from a text file
Importing accounting data from Quicken
Error cargando iCash
TLS1.2 support
eMail Verifier is timing out
Upgrading 8.5 to 8.6
Creating submaps
Unexpected Blacklisting
Comcast residential bulk limits
HostGator delivery limits
Someone using your software is sending SPAM
Mise à jour vers 8.6.1
Quelle est la différence entre iCash et iCash SE?
Error in the installation 'api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll is missing
Where are the SMTP settings stored?
Bad e-mail addresses are sometimes marked as valid
Lately all my emails are going into the recipients spam folder
Resend Registration Licenses
How to embed a photo into the email text
Not working Error #22
MX record not found
Messages says delivered but I haven't received it
Lost emails
Custom Attachments
TLS 1.2 Support
Upgrade MaxBulk Mailer SE to Pro
I purchased the product and did not receive the serial number
Reconciled amount is wrong
No puedo registrar mi número de Licencia.
Can't send emails thru Gmail
Where are the delivery logs?
Most of my messages are rejected
Activation Key
Missing a lot of messages and labels in Italian
Earthlink changed settings and MailBulk Mailer does not work
eMail Verifier speed and capacity
Using the List function
No consigo que envíe mails. SSL
Sending to a maximum of 300 e-mails per hour
My customers are not receiving my messages
Using eMail Bounce Handler with eMail Verifier
Icash update
Recuperar Maxbulk Mailer SE
Last update broke everything...
MaxBulk Mailer no longer sending links
Wont print Anything
Empty folder after download
Fallo cierre programa
Someone is illegally using your software with my email address.
Mensaje de error al cerrar la aplicación
MaxBulk Mailer SE
eMail Verifier is only able to test Gmail addresses
Plan de actualización
New download wont open
No se ejecuta el programa
Custom Max Bulk / Adding new features
Someone is spoofing my email address to send spam
eMail Extractor not working properly on my computer
Email Verifier vs online verifers
How can I use my update plan on a new computer?
What mail server can I use with MaxBulk Mailer?
Remote lists
PDF attachments not received
Subject Command Tag
Déplacement/copie de contacts entre documents
MLM upload gives 0 address(es) have been uploaded to 'List'
Where to find the log files of Maxprog Bulk Mailer
Exporting data does not include past sent information
Unsubscribe with text file does not update remote list
Result file takes long to appear
Problemas de verificación
Max Bulk Mailer crashes every time after send 100-150 emails
Can't find my activation key
eMail Verifier is Hanging up
Authentication failed / Relaying error
64bit version of iCash
How do I turn of Click Tracking ? in Plain Text?
Desaparición de datos
eMail Extractor y mensajes en Outlook
I have misplaced my activation key for eMail Extractor
The program found no email addresses
Computer crashed, trying to rebuild mailing lists and preferences
Creating a remote list
MLM URLs don't work
No files in File Manager
How can I update from iCash 7.5.3 (App Store) to 7.6.x
The software asks for an account ID and password
Erreur de n° de série
La page web reçue est différente de celle envoyée avec mbm
Word docs with weblinks
Your Kind Assistance Please!
Forwarding emails sent by MaxBulk, cut and paste not working
MLM cannot connect
Lost serial
Resend/Recall Function
Freezes after pref change
Slow loading iCash data files
Where are the logs?
Deal of the day is not applied
Won't send any emails
My computer rebooted and i lost my serial number
Computar cuotas de hipoteca como gasto en los informes
Links not working
Won't verify lists
MacOS 10.13 High Sierra
64-bit version of iCash availability
Je n'arrive pas à envoyer mon message à toute ma liste en une fois
Email account is not connecting through Maxbulk server
Quels sont mes identifiants MLM?
Web Page format doesn't work for me
Where are the preferences and the lists stored on Windows?
DMARC Evaluation error
Recipients are no longer organized alphabetically
How do I get a picture to be displayed on the top of the message?
List of attachments in the Preview panel
Upgrade to the App Store app?
I would like to know if MaxBulk Mailer can personalize emails?
Chinese characters and trial version footer issues
How can I upgrade the App Store version to last available on maxprog?
Desactivar notificaciones del plan de actualización
Unified Email server
I'm receiving lots of 'Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender' bounces
The iCash Currency Manager doesn't update anymore
It takes forever to import my email list into the software
How to upgrade from Standard to Pro
Any MaxBulk Mailer tutorial to get started?
Problem applying styles to a conditional statement result
I can't send a PDF attached to my message when it contains pictures
Free upgrade, or not free?
Connection problem with Apple iCloud server
License Key Recovery
Does MaxBulk Mailer come with its own internal SMTP server?
Erreur d'authentification du serveur Gmail
MaxBulk Mailer sent all the messages to me rather than the recipients
Cannot install the last update
Pièces jointes
Stops processing in the middle of the list
I lost the activation code / license number
How I can I recover the serial number?
Adding Hyperlinks to MaxBulk Mailer messages
Emails not received despite MaxBulk Mailer delivery confirmation
Any dedicated bulk mail server I can use with MaxBulk Mailer?
Adding an Unsubscribe link to messages
Can I pay with Bitcoins?
All transactions are displayed with the same date
Your document is set to ISO-8859-1 but your HTML code use UTF-8
Updates for AppStore Version
Problems with importing tab delimited files.
Editing the Transaction Types list on Windows
Problème de connexion
Adding a URL to an image and placing pictures side by side
How to configure office 365 of microsoft
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