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iCash - Money Manager | macOSとWindows用のパーソナルファイナンスソフトウェア

iCash - Money Manager


Compatible with MS Windows Compatible with MacOS
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   Currency  84.95

New paragraph iCashは、収入、支出、クレジット、負債、銀行取引の記録を付けながらお金を管理するためのソフトウェアです。カンタンに必要な勘定口座を作成できるのと同時に、その間でお金を移動させるのもカンタンです! 会計の知識すら要りませんし、気にする必要もありません! お金の管理は、お金がどこから入ってどこに行ったのかを知らせてくれる、良い管理ソフトがあるかどうかに大きく依存しています。
iCash Demo Movie iCashデモ動画
iCash Tutorial iCashチュートリアル
New paragraph iCashはカンタンに使えて、完全に機能がそろった、多目的のお金管理ツールです。MacとWindows用で、あらゆる種類のお金の問題を管理できるように作成されています。iCashは、少しだけ会計が必要という個人ユーザー、同好会、団体、自営業者、小規模事業の運営者等の皆様のお役に立ちます。あるいは、家計簿にもお使いいただけます。iCashを使用することで、収益、支出、および銀行取引の記録を付けるのが楽になります。クリックを数回するだけで勘定口座の作成を開始し、数分で取引が行えます。

New paragraph iCashは万能で、カンタンにご使用いただけます。そのため、複式簿記の方式は使用しておりません。ですので、会計知識をほとんどお持ちではない方、または、会計知識がゼロの方にも、より一層カンタンにご使用いただくことが可能となっております。支出、収入、銀行…に関する口座を作成するだけで、その間でお金の移動を開始できます! その後iCashにより、お金の入り口と出口を追跡することができるようになります。口座はすべて、ユーザー定義のカテゴリや用意されている種類に準じて、使いやすく組織化されております。ですので、レポートは、すべての記録を含めたり、指定した基準を満たすもののみを含めたりなど、調整することができます。さらにiCashでは、お金管理のドキュメントを必要な数だけ使用できるようになります。そのため、同好会、団体、家庭などの、ほとんどあらゆるものを同時に管理することが可能です。

New paragraph またiCashは、ドイツ語フランス語スペイン語イタリア語スウェーデン語ロシア語中国語韓国語オランダ語ポルトガル語でご利用いただけます。

New paragraph iCashの現在のバージョンは (リリース日:2024-09-24)付の7.9.0です。 iCashにはポジティブなレビューが675件あり、5つ星評価で4.4の評価を受けました!

今日の特別サービス - iCashを84.95 $64.95 (-24%) 税込みでゲット。このサービスの期間終了まであと

   Currency  84.95

New paragraph 利用できる場合、自分の言語を見つけてご利用ください。
New paragraph 会計知識、複式簿記の知識は一切不要。
New paragraph シンプルで使いやすく、ユーザーフレンドリーな一体型のインターフェース。
New paragraph ドキュメントをMacやお持ちのPC間で、カンタンに共有。
New paragraph 勘定口座、カテゴリ、連絡先は無制限。
New paragraph カテゴリや種類による、理にかなった口座分類。
New paragraph 複数の通貨が、為替レートマネージャーでサポート。
New paragraph 取引の自動均衡および照合。
New paragraph 予定取引および反復取引をサポート。
New paragraph カスタマイズ可能な電卓で、全予算をサポート。
New paragraph クエリやレポート用に、取引プロジェクトのカテゴリ化。
New paragraph 事前に定義された、カスタマイズ可能なレポート。
New paragraph 高度な、記録可能なクエリおよび統計。
New paragraph 損益など、口座、種類、カテゴリによるチャートの作成。 
New paragraph カテゴリ、口座、取引の迅速なインポートおよびエクスポート(OFX, QIF, CSV)。
New paragraph 自動バックアップ保護付きの、パワフルなSQLデータベースエンジン。
New paragraph パスワード保護付きの、マルチドキュメントインターフェース。
New paragraph Mac OSおよびWindows用ネイティブ版。

Personal Finance


iCashを使うのが大好きです。私は会計や経理、税理士や会計士が大嫌いです。ですがこのプログラムなら、一人で事業を行っている私でも、うんざりする複式簿記にモチベーションを奪われずに、カンタンに使えます。まさに必要なソフトです! このプログラムで手間が省け、より豊かになります。完璧に機能して何でもしてくれる、また、私のニーズ以上を満たしてくれるプログラムを作っていただき、心から感謝申し上げます。自分のデータを自分の経理担当者に渡すのは、こんなにカンタンだったんですね ― リチャード・ウェネル


Last releases English See More

iCash 7.9.0 (September 24, 2024)
Deductible expenses report. Category statement report. SQL engine has been updated to enhance stability, speed, and file security. Fix: Several user interface aesthetic fixes.

iCash 7.8.8 (March 14, 2024)
Cryptocurrencies support. You can now have accounts with the currency set to a cryptocurrency (386 supported). It is possible to automatically update cryptocurrency rates through the internet like regular currencies. It is now possible to set a custom range in the statistics window, selecting a starting and ending year. SQL engine has been updated to enhance stability, speed, and file security. New 24-month, 36-month, 2-year, and 3-year intervals added to the overview P&L pull-down menu. Interface and database access optimizations. Fix: Duplicate transactions are not displayed when duplicating in the same month. Fix: Transaction auto-complete using older transaction for transaction type. Fix: Crash when trying to edit several transactions at once. Fix: The Statistics panel is not resetting the column count between queries. Fix: The transaction panel navigation button now loads the current year/month when clicking on the dot button (current date).

iCash 7.8.7 (September 22, 2023)
Fix: The transactions rates no longer accepting decimals. Fix: Issue when trying to select accounts in the Split window. Fix: Issue with the 'File ▸ Open Recent ▸ Clear Menu' menu not clearing the menu.

iCash 7.8.6 (September 12, 2023)
Double-click on bank account in the browser now open the account edition panel. When editing a transaction group comment (aka 'Split') you can now select a previous comment from a list. SQL engine has been updated in order to enhance stability, speed and file security. New advanced preference entry to allow adding transactions with a duplicate tracking number. It is now possible to create a tax report for a given project. You can now enter/overwrite the transactions tracking number by clicking on the 'Tracking #' label. The Statistics panel now supports projects, it is now possible to get statistics for a given project. The Chart windows now supports projects, it is now possible to create a chart for a given project. When duplicating a group the date is now set to current month and year as with single transactions. The tracking number field number has been moved to the top right of the entry panel. The transaction entry panel 'Project' field now displays the projects ordered by date in descending order. In the transaction entry panel, Control-Click on 'Project' displays project alphabetically with access to the project editor. You can now sort transactions by tracking number in the Queries panel and transaction panel without pressing the Control or Option key. Clicking on the 'Tracking #' header while pressing the Control or Option key will sort the transaction by reconciliation status. Fix: Several interface fixes related to new 'Deductible expense' function. Fix: Several fixes related to regular/XML imports and 'Deductible expense' info. Fix: When duplicating a group the custom title is also copied. Fix: When duplicating a group the tracking number are now properly incremented. Fix: Several fixes related to panel splitter and splitter docking on main window. Fix: The currency rates can be updated thru the currency windows again. Fix: When selecting several transactions in the transaction panel, the SUM is now displayed as before. Fix: The bank account list listed in the the browser panel is now automatically updated when a bank is modified or created. Fix: 'Transaction type' field wrongly set by the auto-complete function in given occasions. Fix: VAT type set in the account panel is now populated when entering a new transaction with that account as the target. Fix: The Help text for transaction button on MS Windows has been removed and replaced by standard help tags. Fix: The report panel controls are now disabled when not usable. Fix: Inaccurate Balance in Account Statement report when selecting 'Current Quarter'.

iCash 7.8.5 (December 27, 2022)
It is now possible to set an expense transaction as deductible. It is now possible to set expense accounts as deductible so related transactions will auto-set as deductible. The toolbar icons have been colored to better distinguish them. The transaction entry panel buttons has been enhanced. The transaction entry panel has been updated and now uses different colors. SQL engine has been updated in order to enhance stability, speed and file security. Charts, new switch to show/hide starting and ending null values from chart. Charts, by default starting and ending null values are deactivated and not displayed in the chart. The transaction entry panel 'Project' field is now ordered by creation date. Alphabetical order is still available by right-clicking. Refund amount color is now blue as incomes, green color is now used for deductible expenses. Fix: Transaction split window issue when the vertical scrollbar was displayed. Fix: The 'Select all' function in the transaction window has been fixed. Fix: Deleting several transactions at once from the transaction panel is again possible. Fix: When swapping origin and target accounts in the transaction panel, the add and save buttons no longer get disabled. Fix: Budgets, when you clicked on a cell to edit an amount only part of the number was being selected. Fix: The transaction breakdown quantity field now behaves again as expected. Fix: When creating a new document from a previous one, nothing was imported on given occasions. Fix: When creating a new account, the account name field is filled with a previous account name on given occasions. Fix: A new document with a single 0.01 transaction now displays all the information properly all over the application. Fix: Reports, wrong balance displayed when selecting a date then selecting 'Today'. Fix: Tax type pull-down menu value not properly set when creating a new transaction using a taxed account. Fix: Tax type pull-down menu value not properly saved when modifying a transaction using a taxed account. Fix: Tax type pull-down menu value not properly set when selecting 'Automatic'. Fix: VAT was not re-calculated when duplicating a transaction and changing the transaction amount. Fix: Issue preventing the modification of the importing rules on the bank statement import window. Fix: Charts, 'Last 5 years' and 'Last 10 years' were displaying an unreadable horizontal legend. Fix: Charts, semester and quarter years are now properly displayed in the data list.

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 How to Determine Your Current Financial Status
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 How to reduce expenses and save money
 How to save money successfully
 Top benefits of using Personal Finance Software
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 How to control ant expenses
 How to reduce monthly expenses
 Adding transactions to iCash - Tips and tricks
 How to save money with iCash
 How to take advantage of Budgets in iCash
 Money lending with iCash - How to handle that
 The history of iCash and Peggy Première
 How to create an Account Set in iCash

Recent questions from our iCash users
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  Cambiar de macOS a Windows

iCash is a software intended to control your personal finance, keeping track of incomes, expenses, credits, debts and Banks transactions for you. As simple as creating the accounts you need and move money between them! You don't even need to know about accounting or even care about it! Your finances depends largely on good organization that lets you know where your money comes from and to where it goes.

iCash is an easy-to-use, full featured and multi-purpose Personal Finance Manager tool for macOS and Windows intended to help you control all kinds of money issues. iCash can serve several small accounting needs for either private users, or clubs, associations, self-employed, small businesses or simply to be used at home, making keeping track of incomes, expenses and Banks transactions a snap.

With a few clicks you can begin creating accounts and making transactions in minutes. iCash is versatil and user-friendly. For this reason it doesn't use the principle of double-entry bookkeeping making it much easier to be used by people with very little or no accounting knowledge at all.

Simply create accounts for all your expenses, incomes, Banks... and start moving money between them! iCash will then allow you to find out where all your money comes from and where it goes. All accounts are well organized according to user-defined categories and built-in types so reports can be tailored to include all records or only ones meeting specified criteria.

Cash also allows you to have as many money manager documents as necessary so you can control almost anything from Clubs, associations, home and so on at the same time.

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