Si tiene un negocio que requiere contactar con gran cantidad de clientes, proveedores o contactos, MaxBulk Mailer le va a ahorrar mucho tiempo y trabajo!
Si el marketing por e-mail está teniendo tanto éxito es por su alta efectividad, rapidez y bajo coste. Si se dispone a introducir y vender un nuevo producto o servicio, lo mejor que puede hacer es contactar por e-mail con los clientes que puedan estar interesados. Si puede dar a conocer su producto o servicio directamente a los clientes interesados en los mismos, su negocio tendrá más posibilidades de éxito.
MaxBulk Mailer es un potente programa que permite enviar correos electrónicos a listas con varios miles de direcciones de una forma cómoda y rápida, utilizando eventualmente etiquetas para personalizar cada envio con los datos del destinatario. MaxBulk Mailer es ideal para enviar notas de prensa o información comercial a clientes, amigos, colaboradores ...etc...
MaxBulk Mailer es veloz y muy fácil de utilizar. Soporta todos los formatos estándar como el texto plano, el HTML y el texto con estilos. Permite enviar adjuntos e importar destinatarios desde muchos formatos incluido desde mySQL. Se comporta como cualquier aplicación Macintosh o Windows multi-documento, cada archivo de mensaje lleva integrado tanto el texto como la lista de direcciones y la configuración SMTP, lo que hace su utilización muy versátil y cómoda.
MaxBulk Mailer se encuentra actualmente en la versión 8.8.8 (lanzada el 2024-09-16). MaxBulk Mailer ha sido revisado de forma positiva 690 veces y ha obtenido una calificación de 4.1 de 5 estrellas!
OFERTA DEL DÍA - Consigua MaxBulk Mailer por 129.95$99.95 (-24%) IVA incluido. Esta oferta termina en
Características de MaxBulk Mailer estándar
Detecta y utiliza su lengua si disponible.
Permite enviar correos en formato texto o HTML.
Soporte para carácteres internacionales (40 codificaciones diferentes).
Soporte cuentas email multiples.
Autenticación POP3, APOP y ESMTP.
Soporte Drag and Drop.
Importación, exportación, Edición y depuración de listas.
Verficación de duplicados y mails incorrectos.
Potentes herramientas de formateo de texto.
Opción Preview para verificar el aspecto del mailing.
Utilización de Tags para poder personalizar los envios.
Registro de conexión SMTP/POP (comandos y respuestas).
Configuración automática con Internet Config.
Gestión remota de listas (MLM) y Lista negra general. NEW
Possibility to paste and import entries like *@domain.* to the blacklist.
It is now possible to use random words in the settings From/Name field.
New 'Activate' and 'Deactivate' menus added to the recipient list contextual menu.
Fix: The Encode URL tag now takes care of tags.
Fix: Deselection of current recipient selection when changing recipient selection statuses.
Fix: 'Open' and 'New' menus crashing MaxBulk Mailer on Windows on given ocasions.
Fix: Several user interface aesthetic fixes.
Possibility to insert a video by URL through a tag: {Insert Video: id, alignment, width, thumbnail}.
Possibility to include arithmetic into numeric tags like [Year+1] or [Year+2] or [Year-1]
You can also use {Insert Picture: URL, alignment, link, max-width, width, height} to insert images in addition to the {Insert Image:...} tag.
The AI tools are now limited to the following countries:
Fix: The subscribe batch process is now fully supported through the batch process window or by dropping a file labeled 'SUBSCRIBE' into a list.
Better handling SMTP errors 556 to avoid delivery interruptions on addresses with an invalid domain.
FTPES support for MLM installation, explicit TLS connection, command + data ports.
Possibility to purchase web space from inside MaxBulk Mailer to install MLM or upload pictures.
Fix: Remove a large amount of recipients that take a long time to finish.
Fix: Several interface fixes.
Fix: OpenAI / chatGTP support fixes.
Fix: Select-All recipients takes a long time to finish.
Fix: Issue with the 'Edit ▸ Insert Hyperlink ▸ Edit...' menu not opening the hyperlink editor.
Fix: Issue with the 'Edit ▸ Insert Random Words ▸ Edit...' menu not opening the Random Words editor.
Fix: Issue with the 'File ▸ Open Recent ▸ Clear Menu' menu not clearing the menu.
Fix: Issue with the 'File ▸ Settings ▸ Clear Menu' menu not clearing the menu.
Fix: Issue with the 'File ▸ Templates' menu.
OpenAI / chatGTP support for composing, rewriting, correcting and translating messages.
Possibility to insert an image by URL thru a tag: {Insert Image: url, alignment, link, max-width, width, height}
Recipient list date fields can now be sorted properly even when using formats like 'November 9, 2022'.
The toolbar icons have been colored to better distinguish them.
The RSS tag for picture now work with more html tag variations.
New [Message Subject] tag in order to insert the current message subject.
It is now possible to set the HTML editor text size.
The recipient panel now also display the recipient selection count.
MLM now works both on PHP 7.x.x and PHP 8.x.x
The RSS tag for picture now center the image and set a maximum width.
The HTML editor default text size has been increased from 12 to 14.
The Styled Text editor default text size has been increased from 12 to 18.
Fix: Issues when trying to upload a list to MLM.
Fix: MySQL import issues in given situations.
Fix: When using a remote list and checking/unchecking a recipient, the 'save' button no longer get enabled. Nothing to save here.
Fix: The 'Edit ▸ Paste' menu now works again for pasting recipients between lists. The 'Edit ▸ Paste Special' menu is recommended though.
Fix: It is no longer possible to paste multiple lines of text to the Subject field. Only the first line is kept.
Fix: The Import Remote preset not saving the field list with ordering and checking.
Fix: Crash when dropping an HTML file to the HTML editor.
Fix: The undo function has been enhanced in order to support the Styled Text to Plain Text command.
MaxBulk Mailer is a full-featured and easy-to-use bulk mailer and mail-merge software for macOS and Windows that allows you to send out customized press releases, prices lists, newsletters and any kind of text or HTML documents to your customers or contacts.
MaxBulk Mailer is fast, fully customizable and very easy to use. MaxBulk Mailer handles plain text, HTML and rich text documents and gives full support for attachments. With MaxBulk Mailer you will create, manage and send your own powerful, personalized marketing message to your customers and potential customers.
Thanks to its advanced mail-merge and conditional functions you can send highly customized messages and get the best results of your campaigns. You also have support for international characters, a straightforward account manager with support for all type of authentication schemes including SSL, a complete and versatile list manager, support for importation from a wide range of sources including from remote mySQL and postgreSQL databases.
MaxBulk Mailer is a software tool that you purchase once, no need to pay on a per-email basis to submission services!
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