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MaxBulk Mailer™ | 對於macOS和Windows電子郵件群發軟件

MaxBulk Mailer™


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MaxBulk Mailer

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如果你的企業需要聯絡大量的客戶或其他連絡人, MaxBulk Mailer 能夠幫你節省大量的時間!

   Currency  129.95

New paragraph 電子郵件行銷在世界上非常流行,因為其高效率、快速與低成本. 如果你想介紹與銷售你的產品或服務,最好的途徑是使用郵件聯絡你的目標客戶. 有針對性的發郵件無疑是最有效的. 如果你能直接通過郵件介紹你的產品與服務給你感興趣的客戶, 這將讓你的企業更多成功的機會.
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MaxBulk Mailer Tutorial MaxBulk Mailer 教程
New paragraph Maxprog 為你開發了終極的郵件行銷軟體. MaxBulk Mailer 是一個批量郵件反射軟體,它容許你設計和發送具有專業外觀的郵件給你的客戶且花費極低的成本.

New paragraph 從Maxprog軟體工具作為突破口增加你的利潤、增強你的客戶服務與發送資訊到新的市場.你將觸及你資料庫中的客戶不用擔心整合與相容問題.

New paragraph MaxBulk Mailer 是一個全能的Macintosh與Windows批量發送郵件與郵件合併工具,用於發送定制資訊、價格清單和其他各種各樣文本與超文字文檔給你的客戶. MaxBulk Mailer 快速、完全可定制、容易使用. MaxBulk Mailer 能處理純文字 截屏.

New paragraph 用 MaxBulk Mailer 你可以撰寫、管理與發送你自己強大的個性化郵件行銷資訊給你的客戶與潛在客戶. MaxBulk Mailer 是秩序購買一次的軟體,而無需為每次發送郵件支付費用.

New paragraph 現在讓你的促銷用超文字郵件從你的螢幕跳出來! MaxBulk Mailer 超文字容許你包含突破,字體,顏色將你的資料調成專業的線上手冊.在 如何撰寫與發佈你的第一份郵件看我們的教程.

New paragraph MaxBulk Mailer 有以下版本英文, 德文, 法文, 西班牙, 義大利, 瑞典, 俄文, 中文, 日文, 韓文, 荷蘭文 and 葡萄牙文

New paragraph MaxBulk Mailer的當前版本為8.8.8 (發佈於2024-09-16). MaxBulk Mailer已經獲得了694次好評,得分4.1星,總分5星!

今日優惠 - 以 129.95 $99.95 (-24%) 含稅優惠購買MaxBulk Mailer。本次優惠將於後結束

   Currency  129.95

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New paragraph 自動檢測你使用的語言(如何為下列語言).
New paragraph 發送 文本/超文字 總能顯示正確的格式.
New paragraph 郵件文本與地址清單支援拖放.
New paragraph 容易使用的導入/匯出地址清單檔案功能.
New paragraph 強大的分析器與檢查重複功能,也支援剪貼板.
New paragraph 強大的文本排版工具.
New paragraph 預覽功能可以讓你發送前看到文檔外觀.
New paragraph 全面支援多國語言 (40 種不同編碼).
New paragraph 容易定制的多郵件帳戶.
New paragraph 支援遠端列表管理(MLM)與全域黑名單. NEW
New paragraph 支援附件(Base64, UUEncode, BinHex, ...).
New paragraph 完整的 SMTP/POP 連接日誌.
New paragraph 全面支持 POP, APOP 和 ESMTP 驗證.
New paragraph 能根據分組、標籤一次全部發送.
New paragraph 為郵件合併定制標籤
New paragraph 定時發送郵件.

New paragraph 支援樣式文本 - 粗體, 斜體, 底線, 顏色, 字體...
New paragraph AI 文本生成 - 撰寫、重寫、總結和翻譯文本.
New paragraph 根據在選項的標籤值決定資訊內容.
New paragraph 為高級郵件合併定制20個標籤.
New paragraph 在標題處理標籤.
New paragraph 13個日期格式標籤,長日期格式,短日期格式,日期簡寫...
New paragraph 快速在收件人列表中選中與取消選擇.
New paragraph 直接在Filemaker(Mac OS)提取收件人地址.
New paragraph 完全支持 Applescript (Mac OS).
New paragraph 超連結管理. 只須按一下就可以插入文本與超文字連結標籤.
New paragraph 完全支援 mySQL、postgreSQL資料庫 和 OBDC資料來源 .
New paragraph 支援 SSL 連接. 支援 DKIM. NEW
New paragraph 同時使用幾個伺服器.
New paragraph 支持抄送和密送.
New paragraph 通過點擊打開資訊內容. NEW
New paragraph 隨機詞. 隨機詞語編輯器. NEW

MaxBulk Mailer


我花費整個月的時間下載、測試與比較很多群發郵件軟體. 我甚至嘗試調試我們的G5到專用的郵寄清單.
最後決定選用這個非常棒的軟體只因為一個原因: 功能強大! – Zane


Last releases English See More

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.8.8 (September 16, 2024)
Possibility to paste and import entries like *@domain.* to the blacklist. It is now possible to use random words in the settings From/Name field. New 'Activate' and 'Deactivate' menus added to the recipient list contextual menu. Fix: The Encode URL tag now takes care of tags. Fix: Deselection of current recipient selection when changing recipient selection statuses. Fix: 'Open' and 'New' menus crashing MaxBulk Mailer on Windows on given ocasions. Fix: Several user interface aesthetic fixes.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.8.7 (July 17, 2024)
Possibility to insert a video by URL through a tag: {Insert Video: id, alignment, width, thumbnail}. Possibility to include arithmetic into numeric tags like [Year+1] or [Year+2] or [Year-1] You can also use {Insert Picture: URL, alignment, link, max-width, width, height} to insert images in addition to the {Insert Image:...} tag. The AI tools are now limited to the following countries: https://help.openai.com/en/articles/5347006-openai-api-supported-countries-and-territories Fix: The subscribe batch process is now fully supported through the batch process window or by dropping a file labeled 'SUBSCRIBE' into a list.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.8.6 (March 14, 2024)
Better handling SMTP errors 556 to avoid delivery interruptions on addresses with an invalid domain. FTPES support for MLM installation, explicit TLS connection, command + data ports. Possibility to purchase web space from inside MaxBulk Mailer to install MLM or upload pictures. Fix: Remove a large amount of recipients that take a long time to finish. Fix: Several interface fixes. Fix: OpenAI / chatGTP support fixes.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.8.5 (September 22, 2023)
Fix: Select-All recipients takes a long time to finish. Fix: Issue with the 'Edit ▸ Insert Hyperlink ▸ Edit...' menu not opening the hyperlink editor. Fix: Issue with the 'Edit ▸ Insert Random Words ▸ Edit...' menu not opening the Random Words editor. Fix: Issue with the 'File ▸ Open Recent ▸ Clear Menu' menu not clearing the menu. Fix: Issue with the 'File ▸ Settings ▸ Clear Menu' menu not clearing the menu. Fix: Issue with the 'File ▸ Templates' menu.

MaxBulk Mailer Pro
MaxBulk Mailer Pro 8.8.4 (September 12, 2023)
OpenAI / chatGTP support for composing, rewriting, correcting and translating messages. Possibility to insert an image by URL thru a tag: {Insert Image: url, alignment, link, max-width, width, height} Recipient list date fields can now be sorted properly even when using formats like 'November 9, 2022'. The toolbar icons have been colored to better distinguish them. The RSS tag for picture now work with more html tag variations. New [Message Subject] tag in order to insert the current message subject. It is now possible to set the HTML editor text size. The recipient panel now also display the recipient selection count. MLM now works both on PHP 7.x.x and PHP 8.x.x The RSS tag for picture now center the image and set a maximum width. The HTML editor default text size has been increased from 12 to 14. The Styled Text editor default text size has been increased from 12 to 18. Fix: Issues when trying to upload a list to MLM. Fix: MySQL import issues in given situations. Fix: When using a remote list and checking/unchecking a recipient, the 'save' button no longer get enabled. Nothing to save here. Fix: The 'Edit ▸ Paste' menu now works again for pasting recipients between lists. The 'Edit ▸ Paste Special' menu is recommended though. Fix: It is no longer possible to paste multiple lines of text to the Subject field. Only the first line is kept. Fix: The Import Remote preset not saving the field list with ordering and checking. Fix: Crash when dropping an HTML file to the HTML editor. Fix: The undo function has been enhanced in order to support the Styled Text to Plain Text command.

Recent Posts English See More

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 Most common issues and user questions about MaxBulk Mailer
 How to send a winback email
 How to write and format a High-Converting Marketing Email
 How to increase sales with email marketing
 How to send a cold email with MaxBulk Mailer
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 Email server blocking causes and solutions
 How to cheaply send punctual bulk emails
 How to create good-looking emails with MaxBulk Mailer
 How to create an email list for marketing
 Can colors influence your audience?
 How to start and grow an email list the right way
 How to create an email marketing message with chatGPT
 How to send a test email with MaxBulk Mailer

Recent questions from our MaxBulk Mailer users
  Trouble with mlm setup, 'The URL is not valid' error. NEW Screenshot
  Problem with importing recipients NEW Screenshot
  451 Error code Screenshot
  Problem sending email to Gmail recipients Screenshot
  What is the meaning of the recipient panel icons Screenshot
  What is the best mail server I can use with MaxBulk Mailer Screenshot
  How can I export my lists to a new computer Screenshot
  How to send a HTML email Screenshot
  How to hide text in my message Screenshot
  Google ending support for less secure apps YouTube Video
  How to add social networks icons to my message Screenshot
  How do I set up an unsubscribe link Screenshot
  How to export several lists into to a single file Screenshot
  What are the Zoho mail settings for MaxBulk Mailer? Screenshot
  Emails sent but not received Screenshot

MaxBulk Mailer is a full-featured and easy-to-use bulk mailer and mail-merge software for macOS and Windows that allows you to send out customized press releases, prices lists, newsletters and any kind of text or HTML documents to your customers or contacts.

MaxBulk Mailer is fast, fully customizable and very easy to use. MaxBulk Mailer handles plain text, HTML and rich text documents and gives full support for attachments. With MaxBulk Mailer you will create, manage and send your own powerful, personalized marketing message to your customers and potential customers.

Thanks to its advanced mail-merge and conditional functions you can send highly customized messages and get the best results of your campaigns. You also have support for international characters, a straightforward account manager with support for all type of authentication schemes including SSL, a complete and versatile list manager, support for importation from a wide range of sources including from remote mySQL and postgreSQL databases.

MaxBulk Mailer is a software tool that you purchase once, no need to pay on a per-email basis to submission services!

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